Seminary Ave
We grew up on Seminary Ave in our mid years in the 1960’s . Mary and Dave were our live in servants and we loved them dearly. They both came to my wedding and most of our family went to their funerals . The house was on 5.5 acres adjacent to Loch Raven . Back then we hunted in Loch Raven, rode mini bikes and motorcycles went skating pulled by my motorcycle on the frozen lake and canoed = all against the law but who cared back then
It was a wonderful life as Mary would take us fishing in Lock Raven and we would play tennis one the tennis courts. My mom and dad were competitive and would always challenger us
WE would also host the school parties at our home for our classes and that was fun. This home was the base and during these years we learned to ski and started to travel. next stop Wyndon and that was one amazing home
the extended family